
Requirements for Recreational Use
Title 40 of the Aleutians East Borough Municipal Code (AEBMC) requires Commercial Recreation Operators to obtain a land use permit within the Aleutians East Borough boundaries, excluding the municipal lands where AEB has delegated land use planning authority to an AEB municipality (see AEBMC 40.01.020). Commercial Recreation may occur, if permitted by AEB, within the Aleutians East Borough Resource Development District.
Casual Recreational Use
Casual recreational use refers to a recreational use of Borough land that is nonexclusive and involves only minimal disturbance to the land by an individual or group of people that are not involved in the commercial provision of commercial recreation services.
Nonexclusive examples of a casual recreational use may include:
- fishing
- hunting
- camping
- hiking
- climbing

- skiing
- climbing
- adventure activities
- sports
- canoeing
- kayaking
- rafting
- paddle sports
- water sports
- scuba

- boating
- all terrain vehicle trips on existing trails or under conditions that will not cause damage to the land or vegetation
- snow machine trips
- dog-mushing

- sight-seeing
- bird watching
- wildlife viewing
- subsistence activities