Sand Point New Harbor: Floating Dock Project – Public Input Requested

In conjunction with the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Maritime Administration (MARAD), the Aleutians East Borough (AEB) is proposing to install a prefabricated treated timber floating dock (Float A) to the existing AEB Sand Point New Harbor, for improved safety, efficiency, and reliable use of the harbor. MARAD awarded funds to the AEB under the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) to complete these improvements. The use of these federal funds requires compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to be provided through an Environmental Assessment (EA) process. MARAD is the lead federal agency for the NEPA EA. The purpose of this announcement is to present the proposed improvements, and ask for your comments, questions, and concerns. Note that no formal public meeting is proposed. All of your comments will be taken into consideration as the project continues.
Project Description
The Project includes furnishing and installing prefabricated treated timber floats (that are 12 feet by 1,054 linear feet), a new trestle (at 12 feet by 20 feet), a new gangway (at 6 feet by 80 feet), a new landing float (at 20 feet by 20 feet), three new smaller transformer floats (12 feet by 6 feet each), all supported by driving 16-inch and 18-inch diameter steel pipe piles. The project includes installing potable water, fire protection, electrical and lighting, cathodic protection, and other safety systems such as life rings, ladders, and fire extinguishers onto the new dock.
The installation of Float A will bring the New Harbor facility to full use, doubling its capacity and increasing moorage space in the harbor from 254 linear feet to 1,308 lineal feet for vessels of all sizes.
Figures 1 and 2 provide an overview of existing conditions and project elements. Federal and state permits were obtained for the project in 2018 but are being renewed/extended to allow for construction to commence in 2024.

Why is the Project Needed?
The Need is to improve mooring capacity which will improve navigability, safety, and efficiency for fishing fleets that come into the New Harbor to unload catch, as well as for those seeking a harbor-of-refuge. The Project is a life and safety necessity project for a fishing community that is 570 miles by air to Anchorage and the Alaska mainland, has no roadway connections to the mainland, and relies on limited ferry service in May, July, August, and September. On the border between the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea, Sand Point is subjected to extreme wind and weather throughout the year. The new floating dock at Sand Point will also increase navigational safety within Sand Point Harbor, while providing an additional node in the regional transportation network that encourages economic growth.
Project Contact Information
If you need additional information or would like to discuss the project further, please contact the following representative, Anne Bailey, Administrator, Aleutians East Borough. Questions or written comments can be directed and submitted to:
Please mail/email comments by September 5, 2023 to:
Attn: Anne Bailey, Administrator
Re: Sand Point New Harbor Floating Dock Project
Aleutians East Borough Mailing Address:
3380 C Street, Suite 205
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: (907) 274-7580
Email: abailey@brosete
Comments can also be submitted online at the following link:
Due Date For Comments
Please submit comments by September 5, 2023.