


A person may vote in a borough election only if the person is a United States
citizen who is qualified to vote in state elections, has been a resident of the
borough for thirty days immediately preceding the election, is registered to vote
in state elections at a residence address within the borough and precinct in
which the person seeks to vote at least 30 days before the borough election at
which the person seeks to vote, and is not disqualified under Article V of the
State Constitution.

Declaration of Candidacy BeginsMonday, August 19, 2024
Declaration of Candidacy Closes Friday, August 30, 2024
Candidate Withdrawal DeadlineFriday, August 30, 2024
Deadline for Voters to Register to Vote – State of Alaska Voter RegistrationSunday, September 1, 2024
Early Voting/Absentee Voting BeginsMonday, September 16, 2024
BY Mail Absentee Ballot Application Begins Monday, September 2, 2024
BY Mail Absentee Ballot Application DeadlineTuesday, September 24, 2024
Electronic Absentee Ballot Application DeadlineMonday, September 30, 2024  – Noon 
Early Voting/Absentee Voting EndsMonday, September 30, 2024  – Noon 
Regular Borough Election DayTuesday, October 1, 2024

Access OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS for the October 3, 2023 here.

Election Information

The regular election for the Aleutians East Borough will be held October 1, 2024. Declaration of Candidacy must be filed with the Borough Clerk in Sand Point or with an Assistant Borough Clerk beginning August 19 through August 30, 2024.